VI Form Blog - 11 October 2024

Dear Students, Parents & Carers
Our routine fire evacuation this morning went off very smoothly. Thank you to the Facilities Team for the excellent pre-planning and to staff and students for their calm response, all of which helped ensure that the building was evacuated quickly and safely. Our next emergency procedure will focus on what is required in a lockdown situation. Students will receive briefings about this after half term.
Looking ahead to next week, we will be holding an Exams information assembly for Year 13 students and the next Year 12 assembly will be held the week that we return following the half term break. It is important that all students attend.
Straight after the half term break, we will be having our virtual Year 13 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 6 November between 4.00 - 7.00 pm. A login email with details of how to book appointments will be sent to parents next week.
As I walked around the building this week and popped into some lessons, I was struck by the purposeful and focused teaching that I saw, together with an excellent level of student attentiveness. Very well done to all.
Wishing all our families a lovely weekend.
Dr L Ceska
Seconded Senior Leader