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VI Form Blog - 10 January 2025

Welcome back and I hope you all had a lovely, restful holiday! I am really excited to be part of the VI Form community, helping steer students through this incredible part of their life journey. If any of you would like to have a meeting with myself, please call in or telephone the main office where staff will gladly assist in arranging this.

Some students have plunged straight into BTEC exams this week - I really hope these have gone well. Health & Social Care, Travel & Tourism and Criminology exams will take place next week. 

This week has also seen the release of the resit marks for English and Maths. Please remember that, if you have still not achieved your Grade 4 or above, you will be required by law to continue to resit these subjects. This is not something we have control of, this is legislation passed down to us from the Department for Education.

As a polite reminder, can I just confirm that if you are going to be absent from VI Form, it is important to let Student Services know, either by email or by phone call. If students are likely to be off long term, have been hospitalised, have developed a significant medical issue etc, it is really important that we still hear from parents. There will be more guidance on attendance and reporting attendance coming out in the next few weeks.

A couple of dates for your diary: there will be a VI Form Inset Day on Monday 10 February, so we will be closed to students that day, and the next set of Year 13 Trial Exams will start on Wednesday 26 February.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Mr Phil Pearce-Jones
Head of School - The Island VI Form