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Head of School’s Blog – 17 May 2024

Dear Students, Parents & Carers

This week we said goodbye and good luck to Year 13 students who are now on study leave for their exams.

The Celebration assembly on Wednesday highlighted some of the amazing work that students have produced over the last 2 years. Details of the awards that were given out and the winners can be found on our website here: Year 13 Leavers’ Awards 2024. Congratulations to the winners and all students for their contribution to VI Form, it is always a privilege to see students make so much progress academically and socially at VI Form. A year group picture was also given to students, and additional copies are available from main reception. They will also be available on A Level results day in August.

This means that Year 12 students are approximately one year away from leaving. Make sure that you are taking your Year 12 trial exams seriously; the more work you put in now, the better. Year 12 content next year is recap and refresh rather than re-learning.

Reminder about the Prom: Tickets are available for the Prom – Thursday 27 June at Quay Arts. They cost £30 and include food, entertainment and the DJ. Tickets can be bought through Arbor (see reception if you are struggling to pay £30 in one go). ‘Plus one’ tickets will be available after 20 May, See Mr Mumford or Mr Cody to request these.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Mumford

Head of School – The Island VI Form